Rooted by Nature
I’m Samantha Sear, a podcaster, homemaker and stay-at-home-mum. In this podcast I explore the magic and wonders of the natural world. I give tips and insights on aligning with the seasons, selfcare, slow living and how to feel rooted by nature.
Rooted by Nature
Spring Equinox
It’s the month of the spring equinox, a time of natural magic as everything around us emerges from the earth and the world feels full of green shoots and new opportunities. It’s a tipping point where the wheel of the year turns, the seasons change and winter tips gently into spring. Join me in a daily crystal practice, seed sowing, foraging and mental spring cleaning. Let's enjoy daffadowndillies, the cosmic magic of nettles, take a look at Easter & Ostara and venture down to the underworld with Persephone, the goddess of spring.