Rooted by Nature
I’m Samantha Sear, a podcaster, homemaker and stay-at-home-mum. In this podcast I explore the magic and wonders of the natural world. I give tips and insights on aligning with the seasons, selfcare, slow living and how to feel rooted by nature.
Rooted by Nature
Samantha Sear
Season 2
Episode 4
Happy betwixmas everyone, I hope you're all snuggled up in the warm and enjoying some well deserved rest. Join me as I reflect on Christmas, let go of 'perfect' and embrace the changes that come with having little ones. Soon I'll be looking ahead to the new year but for now it's all about fairy lights, chocolate, candlelight and (in my case) flu remedies!
Book recommendations
Calm Christmas & a Happy New Year by Beth Kempton
Christmas at River Cottage by Lucy Brazier